User Manual

VCom Inc.
AP5857 Manual; ml_ap5857_08 (Oct 2005)
Approved: R.B.
5.3 Timeout
The local interface will time out after 5 minutes of inactivity and automatically return to the password> prompt.
If accessing the unit via telnet, the session will disconnect.
5.4 The Main Menu
Figure 5.3 Main Menu
*** VCom Inc. AP5857 Main Menu ***
1)Status Information
2)Vendor Information
3)Downstream Settings
4)Upstream Settings
5)General Settings
6)Ethernet Settings
5.4.1 Interpreting the Main Menu
The Main Menu shown in Figure 5.3, provides access for:
• Status information
• Downstream settings
• Upstream settings
• General settings
• Ethernet settings
5.5 Using the Local Interface
5.5.1 Command Line Prompt
The command line prompt consists of one of three forms:
1) Password prompt, Password>
2) Option prompt, Select>
3) Setting prompt, Setting [] ()>, see Modifying Settings From the Local Interface section below for details of
setting prompt.