User Manual

VCom Inc.
AP5857 Manual; ml_ap5857_08 (Oct 2005)
Approved: R.B.
Upstream Output
Indicates current state of the upstream output. There are four valid output states: Muted (Manual) indicates
that user has forced the output to be disabled; Muted (Alarm) indicates that the output has been muted by an
alarm condition; Auto indicates that mute is controlled by system; Unmuted indicates that the output is
5.6.2 Vendor Information
The Vendor Information Menu provides access to
factory model and revision history. To access this menu from
the Main Menu, type “2” to display the Vendor Information Menu.
Figure 5.6 Vendor Information Menu
*** VCom Inc. AP5857 Vendor Information ***
Vendor Name VCom Inc.
Serial Number 6855176
Model Number AP5857
Hardware Revision PC3B0102
Software Revision (Boot) 1.00
Software Revision (App) 1.00
Software Revision (Eth) 5.20
Vendor Name
Company name of AP5857 vendor.
Serial Number
Serial Number of AP5857 unit.
Model Number
Model Number of AP5857 unit.
Hardware Revision Number
Hardware Revision of AP5857 unit.
Software Revision (Boot)
Software revision number of AP5857 unit microcontroller bootloader section.
Software Revision (App)
Software revision number of AP5857 unit microcontroller application section.
Software Revision (Eth)
Software revision number of AP5857 unit Ethernet controller.