User's Manual Part 1

8: Configuring the EUM
APCD-LM043-8.0 (DRAFT C) 137
numerically set the power level may be useful in high-density
environments, where site-to-site interference is a problem.
2. Type
save or commit and press Enter.
3. Before the new power level will take effect, you must reboot the EUM by typing
and pressing
The following example
Sets the EUM operating frequency to 917 MHz,
Sets the transmit power level to
NOTE: Changes to the transmit power level take effect immediately, they
do not require an EUM reboot.
Saves the new settings,
Reboots the EUM so that they new parameters take effect, and
Displays the EUM RF parameters.
60:ff:fe> radio frequency 9170
60:ff:fe> radio rf high
60:ff:fe> save
Basic Config saved
Port Filter Config saved
sntp cfg file saved
60:ff:fe> reset
rebooting EUM ...
WaveRider Communications, Inc. LMS3000
60:ff:fe> radio
RF Power: HIGH
Radio Frequency: 9170
8.3 Configuring EUM IP Parameters
In IP Network Planning on page 59, you determined the following:
EUM gateway IP address
EUM IP address and subnet mask
End-user PC Ethernet IP address and subnet mask (not required if using DHCP)