User's Manual Part 1

APCD-LM043-8.0 (DRAFT C) xxi
What’s New
What’s New in Version 4.3
Version 4.3 introduces the following CCU and EUM features:
Spectrum Analyser
A major new feature available in Version 4.3 is the Spectrum Analyser, a tool useful for site
surveys, installation and troubleshooting. Functionally, it provides an indication of signal level
and interference, from external sources and from frequency re-use. On the CCU and EUM, the
radio analyze command will force the radio to step across the 900 MHz ISM frequency
band. At each frequency, it will measure and report peak, average and noise floor powers. The
radio will also report the presence and level of any packets received from a WaveRider
CCU3000 or NCL1900.
The results of the spectral analysis can be displayed in tabular or graphical form. The
graphical display is available as an Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) file, which can be
retrieved from the modem through FTP. An example is shown in Figure 1 on page xxii.