User's Manual Part 2

290 APCD-LM043-8.0 (DRAFT C)
Appendix J: Operating Statistics
To view the Routing Protocol Statistics:
60:03:3a> stats rp
----------------Routing Protocol Statistics -------------------
Rx Eth Dst - App : 337
Rx Eth Dst - Radio : 338
Rx Eth Dst - To Router : 0
Rx Eth Err - Rx Discard (Discard) : 0
Rx Eth Err - Mblk (Discard) : 0
Rx Eth Err - Msg Buffer (Discard) : 0
Rx Eth Err - Pkt Size (Discard) : 0
Rx Eth Err - Unknown Ether Type (Discard) : 0
Rx Eth Err - Bridge Table Full (Discard) : 0
Rx Eth Err - Invalid NetPool (Discard) : 0
Rx Eth Err - Could not Duplicate (Discard) : 0
Rx Eth Err - IP Filter (Discard) : 0
Rx Radio Dst - App : 2667
Rx Radio Dst - Radio : 0
Rx Radio Dst - To Router : 0
Rx Radio Dst - Eth : 1931
Rx Radio Err - Reflection (Discard) : 0
Rx Radio Err - Mblk (Discard) : 0
Rx Radio Err - Msg Buffer (Discard) : 0
Rx Radio Err - Pkt Size (Discard) : 0
Rx Radio Err - Unknown Ether Type (Discard) : 0
Rx Radio Err - Unknown Msg Type (Discard) : 0
Rx Radio Err - Invalid NetPool (Discard) : 0
Rx Radio Err - Could not Duplicate (Discard) : 0
Rx Radio Err - IP Filter (Discard) : 0
Rx Radio Err - Unreg Request (Discard) : 0
Rx Radio Err - Address Table Full (Discard) : 0
Rx Radio Err - Duplicate IP address(Discard) : 0
p Last Duplicate IP from EUMID 00:00:00
Tx Dst - Eth : 1938
Tx Dst - Radio : 1097
Tx Dst - Unregistered (CCU Only) Number of transmit Ethernet
frames discarded because the destination
EUM was unregistered.
Tx Err - Mblk Number of transmit Ethernet frames that
had to be discarded because of a specific
type of memory allocation error.
Tx Err - Msg Buffer Number of transmit Ethernet frames that
had to be discarded because of a specific
type of memory allocation error.
Tx Err - Pkt Size Number of transmit Ethernet frames that
had to be discarded because the frame was
too large or too small to decode.
Tx Err - Could not Duplicate Number of transmit Ethernet frames that
had to be discarded because of a specific
type of memory allocation error.
Statistic Description