User's Manual Part 2

292 APCD-LM043-8.0 (DRAFT C)
Appendix J: Operating Statistics
To view RADIUS Client statistics:
60:06:4e> stats auth
Tx Access Requests 71
Tx Accounting Starts 2
Tx Accounting Updates 67
Tx Accounting Stops 0
Tx Messages (including retries) 140
Rx Errors (discard) 0
Rx Runts (discard) 0
Rx Invalid Server Address (discard) 0
Rx Unmatched Id (discard) 0
Rx Unmatched Length (discard) 0
Rx Authenticator Fail (discard) 0
Rx Timeouts 0
Rx Okay 140
Rx Wrong Code (discard) 0
Rx Accept, No GOS (discard) 0
Rx Accept, Misformed GOS (discard) 0
Rx Timeouts Number of times an expected response did not arrive within 3
Rx Okay Number of RADIUS messages received with the correct
Rx Wrong Code Number of received RADIUS messages of an unsupported type.
Rx Accept, No GOS Number of received RADIUS access accept responses not
containing a WaveRider vendor-specific attribute.
Rx Accept,
Misformed GOS
Number of received RADIUS access accept responses with a
poorly formed WaveRider vendor-specific attribute.
Rx Accept, Unknown
Number of received RADIUS access accept responses specifying
an unknown grade of service.
Rx Access Reject
Number of received RADIUS access reject responses (these
cause an EUM to be denied).
Rx Access Accept
Number of received RADIUS access accept messages with valid
grade of service (these cause an EUM to be assigned that grade of
Rx Accounting
Response Okay
Number of received RADIUS accounting responses.
No Access
Response (4
No response is received to a RADIUS access request message
after trying the primary and secondary servers twice each.
No Accounting
Response (4
No response is received to a RADIUS accounting request
message after trying the primary and secondary servers twice
Statistic Description