User's Manual Part 2

Appendix J: Operating Statistics
APCD-LM043-8.0 (DRAFT C) 305
Table 95 CCU and EUM System Log Statistics — Line 5
Table 96 CCU and EUM System Log Statistics — Line 6
4 txPktsEmpty Total number of packets transmitted with no
5 txPayloads Total number of payloads transmitted .
6 txPayloadsBCast Total number of payloads broadcasted. No ACKs
are expected.
Field Name Description
Field Name Description
1 txPayloads10k Total number of payloads acknowledged after the
first transmission.
2 txPayloads20k Total number of payloads acknowledged after the
second transmission.
3 txPayloads30k Total number of payloads acknowledged after the
third transmission.
4 txPayloads40k Total number of payloads acknowledged after the
fourth transmission.
5 txPayloadsFailRetry Total number of payloads that fail to transmit due
to retry limit.
6 txPayloadsFailAssocDeleted Total number of payloads returned to the host
because the association was deleted.
Field Name Description
1 txPayloadsFailBadParam Total number of payloads returned to host
because they are malformed.
2 txPayloadsFailVnetInactive Total number of payloads returned to host
because the virtual net was not active.
3 txPayloadsFailAssocFail Total number of payloads returned to the host
because an association could not be created.
4 txPayloadsFailTimeout Total number of payloads returned to the host
because of timeout.
5 txPayloadsFailQueueTooLon
Total number of payloads returned to the host
because the EUM's tx queue was too long.
6 txPayloadsEmpty Total number of empty payloads received and
returned to host (gos directives).