User's Manual Part 2

202 APCD-LM043-8.0 (DRAFT C)
Appendix C: Command-Line Syntax
sys prompt <new prompt> Changes the system prompt.
<new prompt> is the new prompt,
from 1-20 characters in length.
You cannot use the “>” character. It will be
appended to the prompt automatically.
sys ss Displays the system status file, which
includes POST results, file status, I/O
connections, and system statistics.
sys tasks Displays the task list.
sys uptime Displays the length of time the system has
been running.
NOTE: It rolls over to zero after about 8
sys version Displays software version information.
sys wlog <text> Writes text to the log file. This command is
useful for adding information to the log for
subsequent analysis:
<text> may be from 1-246 characters
in length.
Begins a telnet session to a destination
• <aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd> is the IP address of
a host, such as an EUM, accessible
from this CCU, in the format
• <eum_id> is the EUMID (in the form
XX:XX:XX) of an EUM or CCU to
connect to.
time Displays the system calendar clock time.
time client Manages the SNTP client and displays a list
of NTP servers.
time client disable Disables the SNTP client.
time client enable Enables the SNTP client.
time print Prints the SNTP configuration and NTP
server list.
time relay destination
Relays NTP messages to an EUM network
or to an individual EUM.
• <aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd> is the multicast
address, SNTP client network address,
EUM IP address.
Command Syntax (CCU) Command Description