User's Manual Part 2

Appendix G: CCU/EUM Data Tables
APCD-LM043-8.0 (DRAFT C) 245
Permanent Configuration File (CCU and EUM)
The Permanent Configuration File (PCF) is a record of device parameters that are
permanently programmed during manufacturing.
60:03:3a> pcf
Permanent Cfg File:
File ID : perm.cfg
File Time Stamp: 14May2001
File Version : 002
File Notes : Based on TN040
Hardware ID: 4B
Ethernet MAC Address: 00:90:c8:e0:03:3a
Airlink MAC Address: 00:90:c8:60:03:3a
Serial Number: E0033A
Modem Type: CCU
RF level +27 dbm +15 dbm
Lo - 905.0 Mhz -10 28
Med - 915.0 Mhz -26 20
High - 925.0 Mhz -22 20
RSSI level -76 dbm -70 dbm -46 dbm
Lo - 905.0 Mhz 44 50 74
Med - 915.0 Mhz 44 50 74
High - 925.0 Mhz 44 50 74
POT Settings: Wiper1: 121 Wiper2: 127
60:ff:fe> pcf
Permanent Cfg File:
File ID : perm.cfg
File Time Stamp: 8Oct2002
File Version : 003
File Notes : Default File - Auto Created
File CRC : 0xBE
Ethernet MAC Address: 00:90:c8:e0:ff:fe
Hardware ID: 4B
Airlink MAC Address: 00:90:c8:60:ff:fe
Serial Number: E0301F