User Manual

Table Of Contents
APCD-LM048-1.1 43
Appendix C Acronyms and
Table 8 Acronyms and Abbreviations
Acronym or
1OK 1st packet sent okay
2OK 2nd packet sent okay (i.e. 1 retry)
3OK 3rd packet sent okay (i.e. 2 retries)
4OK 4th packet sent okay (i.e. 3 retries)
AC Alternating Current
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AWG American Wire Gauge/Gage
BATT Battery
CAP Communications Access Point
CCU CAP Channel Unit
CLI Command Line Interface
Ctrl+c Control C - ‘Ctrl’ key pressed at same time as lower case ‘c’ key.
dB decibel
dBi decibel—with respect to an isotropic radiator
dBm decibel—with respect to milliwatts
DC Direct Current
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DNS Domain Name Server
DOS Disk Operating System
EIA Electronics Industry Association
EIRP Effective Isotropic Radiated Power