Installation Manual

HW Installation manual Rev 3.10
VECOS Europe BV, Esp 237, 5633 AD EINDHOVEN, The Netherlands Page 12 of 19
Theoretically that would mean you can connect the following Idle locks:
432W / 0.31W = 1393 V3 series locks
185W / 0.31W = 496 V3 series locks
432W / 0.41W = 1053 V3+ series locks
185W / 0.41W = 451 V3+ series locks
So in all cases it’s more than the 256 locks that can be connected to 1 terminal.
Locks with full USB load, you can only connect:
432W / 5.56W = 77 V3 series locks
185W / 5.56W = 33 V3 series locks
432W / 5.66W = 76 V3+ series locks
185W / 5.66W = 32 V3+ series locks
Active locks and NO USB load (for example with a Block signal active), you can connect:
432W / 4.56W = 94 V3 series locks
185W / 4.56W = 40 V3 series locks
432W / 4.66W = 92 V3+ series locks
185W / 4.66W = 39 V3+ series locks
So in both 2 last cases this is less than the 256 locks that can be connected to 1 terminal.
In practice never all locks need to be active at the same time and also all USB chargers are not active at the maximum
load. So in 99.9% of the installations a good balance is needed.
Practice has shown that below are good numbers:
On the large PSU of 432W you can connect the maximum number of locks, so 256 pcs.
On the small PSU of 185W you can connect 100 locks.
Since the emergency Opening switch (Block 1 / Block 2 signal) is only used for V3 locks as backup for opening in
case the terminal is not properly operating below only the calculations for V3 locks.
Instead of the Block signal of the terminal, it can also be activated on the HUB itself to reduce the number of locks that
will open (then only the locks connected to that one HUB will be activated, so max. 24 locks).
The V3+ series don’t need the Block signals, there the RFID reader can be scanned if the terminal is not working right.
If the Block signal is active, the USB charging will be switched off and once the door is opened, the coil will not be
powered anymore.
Only 94 or 40 V3 locks can be connected to 1 Block signal, if the Block signal is used.
There are 2 Block signals but you can’t double above number cause the not active block also uses some power.
AS an example: if the door is open the power consumption of a V3 lock is 0.85W.
Calculation with V3 locks on both Block signals:
432 / (4.56W + 0.85W) = 80 Locks on every Block signal, meaning 160 locks totally on 1 large PSU
185 / (4.56W + 0.85W) = 34 Locks on every Block signal, meaning 68 locks totally on 1 small PSU
This is less than the numbers if the Block signal is not used AND assumed that the USB charging is not used.
To allow the higher numbers of connected locks (256 and 100) on 1 PSU, the other locks must use the HUB
Emergency Key signal (switch 1 on the HUB), that way more then 2 Block signals can be used. Alternative, just use
more PSU’s or instead of the small PSU, use a larger one.
So for V3 locks with Block signals in use, VECOS advices for maximum number of connected locks is: 2 x 80 on the
large PSU and 2 x 34 on a small PSU.
There is one more item that will allow to connect a few more locks.
Once our PSU gives out the maximum current, it will start lowering the voltage and the Locks still operate at 21v. On
the lower voltage the Coil also uses less power. and once a door is opened, the Coil will not use power anymore.
This has been left outside the calculation, but it is an available margin.