Installation Manual

HW Installation manual Rev 3.10
VECOS Europe BV, Esp 237, 5633 AD EINDHOVEN, The Netherlands Page 13 of 19
So the final conclusion for average use is:
Large PSU with V3 locks, 160 and use the Block signals for 2x80
Small PSU with V3 locks, 68 and use the Block signals for 2x34
Large PSU with V3+ locks, 256 and don’t use the Block signals
Small PSU with V3+ locks, 100 and don’t use the Block signals
The final conclusion for Full USB charging is (for example charge devices at night):
Large PSU with V3 locks, 76 and use the Block signals for 1x76
Small PSU with V3 locks, 32 and use the Block signals for 1x32
Large PSU with V3+ locks, 76 and use the Block signals for 1x76 *
Small PSU with V3+ locks, 32 and use the Block signals for 1x32 *
* Note: The use of Block doesn’t matter cause the USB uses more power than the Coil.
Important note:
If more power is used the system will still be safe and nothing will get damaged.
The PSU will lower the voltage and if the voltage gets lower then 22v there is a chance that lockers cannot be opened
If locks detect a lower voltage then 22,5v, it will also disable the USB power for 10s and the lock will blink orange.