User`s guide

Vehicle Network Communication Examples
Use the pack function to pack your message with these input parameters:
pack(messageout, 25, 0, 16, 'LittleEndian')
Here you are specifying the data value to be 25, the start bit to be 0, the signal size
to be 16, and the byte order to be little-endian format.
To see the packed data, type:
MATLAB displays your message properties with the specified data:
messageout =
can.Message handle
Package: can
ID: 500
Extended: 0
Name: ''
Database: []
Error: 0
Remote: 0
Timestamp: 0
Data: [25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]
Signals: []
Methods, Events, Superclasses
The only field that changes after you specify the data is Data. Refer to the pack function
to understand more about the input arguments.
Transmit a Message
After you define the message and pack it with the required data, you are ready to
transmit the message. For this example, use canch to transmit the message.
Use the transmit function to transmit the message, supplying the channel and the
message as input arguments:
transmit(canch1, messageout)
To display the channel status, type: