Operating instructions

Vector Control Chassis Type Frequency Converter Parameterization
SIEMENS AG 476 869 4070 76 J AB-74
SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES Operating Instructions 8-1
8 Parameterization
The functions stored in the units are adapted to your specific
application by means of parameters. Every parameter is clearly
identified by its parameter name and its parameter number. In addition
to the parameter name and number, many parameters also have a
parameter index. These indices enable several values to be stored for a
parameter under one parameter number.
Parameter numbers consist of a letter and a three-digit number. The
upper-case letters P, U, H and L represent the parameters which can
be changed, and the lower-case letters r, n, d and c represent the
visualization parameters which cannot be changed.
DC Bus Volts r006 = 541
Parameter name:
Parameter number:
Parameter index:
Parameter value:
DC Bus volts
Does not exist
541 V
Src ON/OFF1 P554.2 = 20
Parameter name:
Parameter number:
Parameter index:
Parameter value:
Parameters can be input as follows:
Via the PMU parameterizing unit which is permanently mounted on
the front of the units,
Via the user-friendly optional OP1S operator control panel or
Via a PC and the SIMOVIS service program.
The parameters stored in the units can only be changed under certain
conditions. The following preconditions must be satisfied before they
can be changed.
The parameter must be a changeable parameter. (Designated by
upper-case letters in the parameter number).
Parameter access must be granted.
P053 = 6 for parameterizing via the PMU or the OP1S).
The unit must be in a status which permits parameters to be
changed. (Carry out initial parameterization only in powered-down
The lock and key mechanism must not be activated
(Deactivation by parameter reset to factory setting).
8.1 Parameter input via the PMU
The PMU parameterizing unit enables parameterization, operator
control and visualization of the converters and inverters directly on the
unit itself. It is an integral part of the basic units. It has a four-digit
seven-segment display and several keys.