Operating instructions

Parameterizing steps Vector Control Chassis Type Frequency Converter
476 869 4070 76 J AB-74 Siemens AG
9-6 Operating Instructions SIMOVERT MASTERDRIVES
9.2 Quick parameterization procedures
The following quick procedures are always used in cases where the
application conditions of the units are exactly known and no tests and
related extensive parameter corrections are required. Typical examples
of applications for quick parameterization are when units are installed in
standard machines or when a unit needs replacing.
9.2.1 Parameterizing with user settings
During parameterization by selecting user-specific fixed settings, the
parameters of the unit are described with values which are permanently
stored in the software. In this manner, it is possible to carry out the
complete parameterization of the units in one step just by setting a few
The user-specific fixed settings are not contained in the standard
firmware; they have to be compiled specifically for the customer.
If you are interested in the provision and implementation of fixed
settings tailored to your own requirements, please get in contact with
your nearest SIEMENS branch office.
P366 = ?
P970 = 0
Start parameter reset
0: Parameter reset
1: No parameter change
Select desired user setting
0...4: Factory settings
5: User setting 1 (currently as P366 = 0)
6: User setting 2 (currently as P366 = 0)
10: Lift and lifting equipment
P060 = 2
Select "Fixed settings" menu
Unit carries out parameter
reset and then leaves the
"Fixed settings" menu
Fig. 9-3 Sequence for parameterizing with user settings