User Manual

68 VEGAPULS 42 and 44 4 20 mA
The distance (product distance) outputted
by the sensor, if you have chosen "
is then:
5.85 (4.58 0.9579) = 1.463 m.
If the index markers or value points of your
vessel are not known, you must gauge the
vessel incrementally or calculate it with the
vessel calculation program of VVO.
Defining the linearisation curve by incre-
mental filling
In the characteristics of the example, you see
four index markers or value pairs. There is
always a linear interpolation between the
index markers. The example vessel consists
of three cylindrical segments of different
height and diameter. The middle segment
has a considerably smaller diameter.
Click in the check box "
Show scaled val-
, to have the selected unit of measure-
ment displayed on the y-axis (left bottom
part in the menu window).
0 m
100 % at 1,27 m
1,463 m (95,79 %)
4,58 m
(100 %)
4,387 m
(95,79 %)
0 % at 5,85 m
User programmable linearisation curves
Click to "
User programmable curve
enter your own vessel geometry or a user
programmable filling curve.
Click to "
The user-programmable linearisation curve is
generated by index markers. Each index
marker consists of a value pair. A value pair
is composed of a value "
and a
value "
Percentage value
Percentage value
represents the percentage value of level.
represents the percentage of
vessel volume at a certain percentage value
of the level.
In the field "
Transfer measured value
current level as a percentage of the adjusted
span is displayed. The measuring span has
already been adjusted with the min./max.
adjustment. In the example, the span is
4.58 m and is between 5.85 m (empty) and
1.27 m (full), see the following illustration.
5.85 m meas. distance correspond to 0 %
level. 1.27 m meas. distance correspond to
100 % level. The span is therefore 4.58 m
(5.85 m 1.27 m = 4.58 m).
A percentage value of 95.79 % then means
that 4.387 of the adjusted span (4.58 m) has
been reached:
4.58 0.9579 = 4.387 m.