User's Manual

Several antenna versions are available for dierent applications.
1 2
Fig. 2: Antenna versions
1 Encapsulated horn antenna with PTFE cover
2 Plastic encapsulated antenna with PP cover
3 Horn antenna
4 VEGAMIP 61 with angled antenna extension
The emitting unit transmits a focused microwave signal via horn
antenna to the receiving unit on the opposite side. If there is medium
between emitting and receiving unit, the signal is damped. This
change is detected by the built-in electronics module and converted
into a switching command.
3.3 Packaging, transport and storage
Your instrument was protected by packaging during transport. Its
capacity to handle normal loads during transport is assured by a test
according to DIN EN 24180.
The packaging of standard instruments consists of environment-
friendly, recyclable cardboard. For special versions, PE foam or PE foil
is also us ed. Dispose of the packaging material via specialised
recycling companies.
Transport must be carried out under consideration of the notes on the
transport packaging. Nonobservance of these instructions can cause
damage to the device.
The delivery must be checked for completeness and possible transit
damage immediately at receipt. Ascertained transit damage or
concealed defects must be appropriately dealt with.
Functional principle
Transport inspection
VEGAMIP U61 - Relay 9
3 Product description