User Manual

Fig. 14: Conguration bypass
1 Radar sensor
2 Marking of the polarisation plane
3 Instrument ange
4 Distance sensor reference plane to upper tube connection
5 Distance of the tube connections
6 Ball valve with complete opening
Instructions for orientation:
l Note marking of the polarisation plane on the sensor
l With threaded tting, the marking is on the hexagon, with ange
connection between the two ange holes
l The marking must show to the direction of the tube connections to
the vessel
Instructions for the measurement:
l The 100 % point must not be above the upper tube connection to
the vessel
l The 0 % point must not be below the lower tube connection to the
l Min. distance sensor reference plane to the upper edge upper
tube connection > 300 mm
l For the parameter adjustment, select "Application standpipe" and
enter the tube diameter to compensate errors due to running time
l A false signal suppression with integrated sensor is recommended
but not mandatory
l The measurement through a ball valve with complete run is
Constructional requirements on the bypass pipe:
VEGAPULS 62 4 20 mA/HART two-wire 21
4 Mounting