Owner's manual

test leads (red15m / yellow 10m / green 5m)
auxiliary earth bars
carrying case
3. Description
1. OK lamp 4. Terminals
2. Function buttons 5. Scale plate
3. Ohm range buttons 6. Battery compartment panel
4. How to Perform Measurements
1) Preparation
A max. of 130V DC is present across terminals E and C and P during measurement or when
you press the SIMPLIFIED MEAS. button. The same max. voltage is present across terminals P
and C when you press the BATT.CHECK button. This means that you should never touch the
terminals with your hands. Always press the BATT.CHECK button after use so that all the range
and function buttons are in the off position (buttons are NOT depressed). Release the
BATT.CHECK button.
a) Zero Adjustment
Check to see if the needle’s starting position coincides with the position of the 0 of the or V
scale. Open the battery cover and unscrew/tighten the zero adjust screw with a screwdriver.
The cover can be opened 90°.
b) Cable Connection
Stick the earth bars P and C deep into the earth as shown in fig. 2 below.
Drive the earthing pins into the ground at some 5 to 10m of the earthed device. Connect the
green cable with terminal E, the yellow cable with terminal P and the red one with terminal C.
Make sure to place the auxiliary earth bars in the moist part of the earth. Moisten the ground
yourself if it is too sandy, rocky or dry.
Where it is not possible to drive the auxiliary earth bars into the ground (e.g. concrete) you
should just put the earth bars down, cover them with a cloth and pour (preferably salt) water
over them. This may allow earth resistance measurements. Note that this does not work with an
asphalt surface.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2