
Tips at malfunctions
16. Remedies in the case of malfunction cused by the relays
If the relays are used to switch alternating voltage, it may be necessary to
suppress them.
1. Suppressing resistive loads (Lamp, resistor,…) :
FIG. 3.1
2. Suppressing inductive loads (Transformer, motor,…) :
FIG 3.2
3. When above solutions fail :
In this last case an independently feeded DC-relay is used, wich is installed as
close to the load as possible.
G Pay attention to the diode witch is fit ANTI-parallel with the coil,
its cathode connected to the plus side, its anode connected to
the minus side! This relay MUST be feeded by a separate
power supply. The VDR must be suited for the voltage to be
FIG 3.3
220V - 240V
Siemens SIOV
110V - 125V
Siemens SIOV