Digital Drive Series User’s Manual - 23
TIP: Here’s an easy way to nd the optimal position for the subwoofer without moving it to multiple positions in
the room. Start by setting the subwoofer up in your listening position. Now, move the microphone around the
room and observe the response graphs for dierent room positions. The best position has the fewest valleys
and the overall smoothest response.
NOTE: If you are constrained in room location positions, don’t worry! By following the setup steps below, Digital
Drive gives you maximum exibility to make the most out of any subwoofer placement position.
11. Now that the room location has been chosen, turn o the subwoofer and the rest of your system,
permanently route the wiring, and reconnect to your subwoofer.
12. Reactivate the subwoofer and your system and ensure that the system works as before.
13. Use the MENU button to get to the EQ setup screen (after entering the 12345 code), and then
position the cursor over the NEXT eld on the EQ setup screen. Press SELECT, and observe the SYSTEM
SETTINGS screen, as follows:
You are now ready to adjust the crossover, subsonic lter, volume, and phase controls of your DD unit.
NOTE: if the remote seems intermittent or unresponsive, be sure you are pointing it at the subwoofer and not
your TV!