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Fact: Every night you lose weight and most of that weight is water,
either lost through perspiration or the water vapour in your breath.
No wonder many of us complain about waking up not feeling refreshed.
Room heating in winter and air conditioning in summer also adds
to this dehydration, leading to disturbed or unrefreshing sleep and a dull,
fatigued, ‘outside of yourself’ feeling.
But sleeping in an Airwashed room is a different experience. You wake
up feeling alert. Your thinking is sharper and concentrating is easier.
On fan setting one, the Venta Airwasher is whisper quiet,
youll hardly know it’s there.
Whoever you are, youll nd an Airwashed sleep leaves you feeling
refreshed and alert, thinking sharper, thinking better.
A good night’s sleep leads to a positive day.