Installation Guide

Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
For Picket Panels:
a. Insert top and bottom rails into top and bottom
post hole routes of both posts (Fig. 4).
b. Starting from the left side, insert pickets/boards
down through the top rail. Finish by locking
pickets/boards into bottom rail (Fig. 5).
Scalloped and arched panels have pickets/
boards that are numbered. Start from left
side with #1 picket/board  rst.
For Closed Top/Semi-Privacy Panels:
a. Insert bottom rail into bottom post hole routes of
both posts (Fig. 6).
Some semi-privacy panels will have a middle
rail. Insert the bottom and middle rails into
the bottom and middle post hole routes of
both posts.
b. Starting from the left side, insert pickets/boards
down into the bottom rail (Fig. 7).
If panel has a middle rail, insert pickets/
boards down through the middle rail and
then into the bottom rail.