User's Manual Part 2

Managing Exam Results in ScanPoint
with QuickPrint FloPoint
Elite Uroflow System
page 64 User’s Manual
Figure 11. New Exams Results Window
2. In the ScanPoint
New Exam Results window, any exams that have not yet been
viewed in ScanPoint
are displayed.
By default, the exams are arranged in order by Patient ID. To arrange the exams
in a different order, click the appropriate column heading. For example, to
arrange the exams in order by Exam Date, click the Exam Date column heading.
The exams are listed in order from oldest to most recent. To reverse the date
order, click the Exam Date column heading again.
3. In the Exam Result column, exams that display an E
NTER DETAILS link have a
voice annotation but are missing required exam details.
To complete exams with missing details, Click the
corresponding to the desired exam. A blank Patient information dialog will open
(Figure 12).
4. Click the
LISTEN button to play the annotation. You can replay the annotation as
many times as necessary.
Figure 12. New Exam Results Dialog
5. Fill out the dialog fields according to the information in this table (Figure 13):