User's Manual Part 3

Full and Partial Downloads
CONFIG.SYS variables, passwords for accessing protected system mode
functions, the current date and time, the modem country code setting, and so
on (refer to Chapter 3).
Full and Partial
When preparing to initiate a download procedure, you must choose either a full or
partial download and the COM 1 port, through the system mode menu options
(refer to Chapter 3). Depending on the type of files you are downloading and the
download method you are using, there are some restrictions on if a full or partial
download is permitted.
The various types of full and partial download procedures are listed and described
in Table 13.
Table 13 Types of Full and Partial Downloads
Download Type Description and Effects
Download Methods
Full application download An entire application, including all executables and
data files, transfers from one system to another in a
single operation.
Files related to the file authentication process and
terminal configuration settings can be included in a full
application download. During this process RAM is
Following a full application download, the terminal
restarts and the file authentication module is invoked. If
application files are authenticated, the application
Direct downloads
Telephone downloads
Back-to-back downloads
Wireless downloads
Partial application
A subset of application executables, font files, and/or
data files transfer from one system to another to modify
or update an existing application.
Files related to file authentication and terminal
configuration settings can be included in a partial
application download. During this process, RAM is not
Following a partial application download, the terminal
does not restart and returns control to system mode or
the issuing application.
The file authentication module is not invoked, nor is the
application allowed to execute, until the terminal is
manually restarted from within system mode.
Direct downloads
Telephone downloads
Wireless downloads
Note: Partial back-to-back
downloads are not