User's Manual Part 3

Omni 3600 Download Differences
authenticates is stored. If *FA is 0, signature files are deleted from RAM when
the file authentication process is complete.
The File Authentication Process During an Application Download
In the following example of a typical file authentication process, it is assumed that
are downloading an application to prepare an Omni 3600 deployment terminal
for deployment. That is, a sponsor certificate and a signer certificate download
in batch mode to GID1 RAM of the receiving terminal, together with the
application to authenticate.
generated a signature file for each executable that comprises the application
on the download computer using FILESIGN.EXE, with the signer certificate,
signer private key, and signer password as required inputs. These signature
files are also downloaded to the receiving terminal.
In a typical batch application download, file authentication proceeds as follows:
1 All certificate files (*.crt), signature files (*.p7s), and application files (*.out,
*.lib, *.fon, *.vft, *.dat, and so on) download to the Omni 3600 deployment
terminal in batch mode.
2 When the terminal restarts after the download, the file authentication module
searches the RAM-based file system for the following two file types:
Authenticated certificate files (*.crt) to add to the permanent certificate tree
Signature files (*.p7s) that authenticate corresponding target application
Certificate files and signature files can download into the RAM of any file
group. For this reason, the file authentication module searches through the
entire file system (all file groups) for new files with these filename extensions
each time the terminal restarts.
3 The file authentication module builds a list of all newly detected certificates
and signature files. If no new certificates or signature files are located, the
module just returns. If one or more new files of this kind are detected, the file
authentication module starts processing them based on the list.
4 Certificates are always processed first (before signature files). The processing
routine is called one time for each certificate in the list. If a certificate is
authentic, it is noted, and the next certificate processed. This process
continues in random order until all certificates are authenticated.
When a certificate file in the processing list is authenticated, the
“Authenticated” message displays below the corresponding filename. If it fails
to be authenticated, the “Failed” message displays for five seconds and the
terminal beeps three times (see Figure 30). The routine then resumes
processing and continues until all certificates are successfully processed.