Operation Manual

Automatic Refresh of System Monitoring Web Pages
activates the automatic refresh of system monitoring
web pages.
Prompt for Password when Accessing via LAN – causes
your Gateway to ask for a password when trying to
connect to the network.
Warn User Before Confi guration Changes – activates
user warnings before network confi guration changes take
In the Session Lifetime eld, specify the length of time
required before reentering a user name and password after
your Gateway has been inactive.
In the Con gure a Number of Concurrent Users eld, select
the number of users that can access your Gateway at any
4. Select Remote Administration to confi gure the remote
administration to your Gateway.
5. In the Management Application Ports section, change the
primary and secondary HTTP management ports.
6. In the System Logging section, confi gure the following
system log options:
Enable Logging – activates system logging.
Low Capacity Notifi cation Enabled – activates low
capacity notifi cation. This works in conjunction with the
Allowed Capacity before Email Notifi cation and System
Log Buffer Size.