Instruction Manual

NOTE To achieve a classical sync-sound, set the coupled
oscillator at least two octaves higher than the master
oscillator or make sure, it heavily modulated by an
envelope generator. It is also recommended to use a
square waveform for the master-oscillator. However,
other settings will also lead to good results.
Frequency modulation of oscillators
The PerFourMer MKII o!ers frequency modulation for the oscillators in syn-
thesizer channels 2, 3 and 4. In each case, the modulation takes place
through the prior located synthesizer channel. This means, oscillator 2's
pitch is modulated by synthesizer channel in dependence of the played
pitch. In other terms, oscillator 1 would be regarded as "modulator" and
oscillator 2 as "carrier". This modulation chain can be continued all the way
to oscillator 4. In opposite to the oscillator synchronization, the full synthe-
sizer channel acts as modulator, including its settings for the filter, VCA and
Use the FM-controls of synthesizer channels 2-4 to set the intensity for the
frequency modulation. Set to center, modulation will be turned o!. Turning
the control to the left (towards VCO), will increase modulation intensity.
Turning the control clockwise (towards VCF) results in cuto! frequency
modulation (See page 13).
NOTE Clean FM-sounds are achieved using sine waveforms
for carrier and modulator. In case, a frequency
modulation of the oscillator does not deliver the
desired result, you may try modulating the filter in a
resonating state and with 100% key tracking. In most
cases, this results in well playable sounds (See page
Owner's Manual VERMONA PERfourMER MKII
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