Installation Manual

Versus Technology, Inc.
DT10000-A0001 15 Revision 8 December 1998
4.7 Grounding of Equipment
All points in a system installation are connected to a common “ground” via their interconnect wires. No attempt
should be made to provide any additional earth ground or neutral connections to any sensor or collector.
Adding ground connections to multiple points in a networked system may introduce electrical system noises
that will interfere with normal system operation. Consult the manufacturer if special grounding requirements
must be met.
As with any electrical equipment, safety is a prime concern. The system poses no safety hazard, since it uses
only low-voltage DC power. However, installers must take adequate precautions to ensure that the low-voltage
wire runs through ceilings and walls do not come in contact with dangerous electrical potentials and carry them
to points where they might be exposed to human contact.
No powering device other than the plug-in units provided should be connected to the system without prior
authorization from the manufacturer.
4.8 Codes and Ratings of Materials Used
The materials used in the construction of individual components meet or exceed UL fire retarding requirements.
However, not all these devices are rated for air plenum use. They are intended for utility closet mounting and
must not be placed in airways or plenum areas, unless they can be housed in approved enclosures and sealed to
meet local codes.
Installers must be aware of local fire and health codes in their selection of interconnect wiring. Plenum-rated
wire and cable must be used where it will pass through breathable air spaces. Wire and cable rated for plenum
use will be clearly marked. For information regarding plenum cabling, call Versus Technology, Inc.
Manufacturing Department.
4.9 Workmanship
The following standards of workmanship shall be followed during installation:
National and local building codes shall be followed.
Tools used shall be as recommended by the manufacturer, or approved equivalents.
Connections shall be made with manufacturer’s recommended tools and procedures.
Conductors shall not be nicked nor wire strands cut during wire stripping.
Wire bundles shall be neatly dressed.
Wire bundles shall be spaced away from power cables and lighting.
Allowing sensor or network conductors to come into contact with metal surfaces and
structures, or allowing wires to be routed in close proximity of high powered equipment or
devices will introduce electrical interference and may cause erratic operation and/or
equipment failure.