User's Manual

Hardware and Wiring Installation Guide 13
Wire Strippers
3.6 Safety and Code Considerations
Safety procedures and adherence to local building codes are the responsibility of the system installer.
Versus products have been designed to be safe and reliable under the conditions in which they are
intended to be used. The following sections detail those aspects of the system that might affect safety.
3.6.1 Equipment Handling
The components used in a typical installation contain internal circuits that are sensitive to static
electricity. Static electricity transported by the human body may be strong enough to damage internal
circuitry during installation. These components do not normally have exposed connector pins, but if
handling with exposed connectors or pins is required, the installer should use an anti-static wristband
connected to an electrical ground. This is especially important when temporarily disconnecting and
reconnecting cables. The badges are the only system components that people can come in direct
contact with. Therefore, cleaning the badges after each use is recommended. A badge should be
thoroughly cleaned after each use, and wiped down with a disinfectant. The disinfectant should be
alcohol-based, not water based.
Avoid touching bare contacts or connector pins when handling system
components in order to prevent the accidental transfer of static to internal
devices. Leave protective covers attached during installation.
3.6.2 Power Requirements
The components obtain low-voltage operating power from a local wall mounted “plug-intransformer.
Transformers provided with the systems are Underwriter Laboratory (UL) approved. No components
use 120V AC line power directly, except the computer systems.
Do not attempt to connect or disconnect concentrators, collectors, sensors,
or any other system components with power applied. The hardware may be
damaged. Although damage will not occur in most cases, this practice is
not recommended and may void equipment warranties.
Use of powering schemes not approved by the manufacturer will void
equipment warranties.
As with any electrical equipment, safety is a prime concern. The system poses no safety hazard, since
it uses only low-voltage DC power. However, installers must take adequate precautions to ensure that
the low-voltage wires are not exposed to high-voltage electrical wires, and that wires run through
ceilings and walls do not encounter dangerous electrical potentials and carry them to points where they
might be exposed to human contact.
No powering device other than the plug-in units provided should be connected to the system without
prior authorization from the manufacturer.
3.6.3 Grounding of Equipment
All points in a system
installation are connected to a commonground” via their interconnect wires.
No attempt should be made to provide any additional earth ground or neutral connections to any sensor
or collector. Adding ground connections to multiple points in a networked system may introduce