User's Manual

20 Versus Technology, Inc.
The reason for this is that with high speed digital data, it is critical that the electrical energy that runs
down the wires is absorbed at the end and does not "bounce back" down the wire and cause
interference with other data coming down. To exactly absorb all the energy coming down a wire, the
wire must be ended at the last device in the chain with a resistor, which has value that equals the
characteristic impedance of the wire. Each collector unit is equipped with such a resistor that is
connected when the switch is in the TERMINATED position.
4.5.3 Power-up Test
Collectors are provided with a 24V power supply that
always be used for each collector,
providing local operating power. No other power supply is adequate to power collectors. To ensure
that the power supplies do not pull out by their own weight, either mount the power strip outlet side up
or use wire ties to hold the power supply in place.
When the collector wiring and isolation have been verified and the cable connection between the
concentrator and the collector has been tested and found correct, the next step is to apply power to the
collector and check the sensor connections for the correct voltages.
To test sensor voltage
Once power has been applied to the collector, a voltmeter check should be made of the sensors on
the punch-down block to verify that they are connected correctly.
Set the voltmeter or multimeter to a 20-volt range.
Apply the probes to each sensor connection on the punch-down block.
If the reading is:
For: (Sensor type)
Approximately 18
RF only the sensor is wired correctly.
<14 volts IR and RF
There is radio frequency or electromagnetic
Approximately 16
IR only the sensor is wired correctly.
Approximately 20
IR and RF
there is no sensor connected to this pair or the
wiring to the sensor is open.
Power supply may
disconnected if
power strip is
mounted sideways.
If the power strip is
mounted plug side
up, the power
supply will be firmly