User's Manual

EVX-531 OpErating Manual
advancEd opEratIon
ta scan
Press (or press and hold) the assigned Programmable
key to toggle the TA (Talk Around) scan feature “On”
and “Off”.
While TA scan is proceeding, the transceiver will
search both the transmit and receive frequencies.
When a signal is encountered on the receive frequen-
cy, the
will pause until the signal disap-
pears. When a signal is encountered on the transmit
frequency, the transceiver will check for activity on
the receive frequency every few seconds (interval
programmed by your Vertex Standard dealer).
Note: The TA Scan feature does not activate on the
Simplex Channel.
scan sEt
Press (or press and hold) the assigned Programmable
key to add/delete the current channel to/from your
scanning list.
When the scanner is stopped, you may remove the
channel from the scan list temporarily by pressing (or
press and holding) this key.
talK around
Press (or press and hold) the assigned Programmable
key to activate the Talk Around feature when you are
operating on duplex channel systems (separate re-
ceive and transmit frequencies, utilizing a “repeater”
station). When the Talk Around feature is activated,
the LED indicator will glow with a pre-dened color.
The Talk Around feature allows you to bypass the
repeater station and talk directly to a station that is
nearby. This feature has no effect when you are oper-
ating on “simplex” channels, where the receive and
transmit frequencies are already the same.
Note that your dealer may have mode provision for
“Talk Around” channels by programming “repeater”
and “Talk Around” frequencies on two adjacent chan-
nels. If so, the key may be used for one of the other
Pre-Programmed Functions.
Note: The Talk Around feature does not activate on
the Simplex Channel.