
LOGGING TYPE (Setup of Log preferences)
CONTEST: This is a concise log format, with only the Callsign, RST, and REM (Remarks) being entered by
the operator. The Date, Time, Band, and Mode will be automatically entered and saved.
NORMAL: Besides the above information from the Contest log format, you can enter the Country, City, Name,
and other data.
In addition to the call sign, RST and REM, COUNTRY, CITY QRA, etc. data can be added.
All of the DATE, TIME, CBAND, CMODE are automatically saved; once again, the Date, Time,
Band, and Mode will automatically be entered and saved.
LOGGING MODE (Logging Operational Mode)
NEW CREATE: Create a new Log Book.
CONTINUE: Add data to current log book.
MEMORY CARD: Download (read) log data from the CF Card (see page 34 for details).
FILE FORMAT (Set up the file format for the log data)
ADIF: A worldwide standard format for DX contest log data.
CSV: Comma Separated Values format.
TXT: Text format.
CABRILLO: Worldwide standard format used for electronic submissions of Contest logs.
RST INIT INPUT (RST Automatic Input)
ON: Automatic filling in of the RSTR and RSTS (RST Received/Sent) reports is enabled. Manual correction
of individual log lines is, of course, possible.
OFF: In CW mode, “599” will be automatically entered, and on other modes “59” will be automatically en-
tered. You may correct these reports manually via the keyboard.
NUMBER INIT (Setting the Initial Sequential Number)
The initial Contest Number (or other sequential number to be assigned to each QSO) is entered here. The
automatic entry and transmission of the Contest Number will dramatically reduce fatigue over many hours of
FIXED STRINGS (Contest Number/Multiplier Memo On/Off Setup)
ON: In a CW contest, this is the area used for enabling input of multiple “memo” columns of data that will be
sent automatically, thus reducing fatigue.
OFF: If there is no need for multiple “memo” input columns, set this to Off.
TIME FORMAT (Conversion of UTC or Local Time for Logbook Time)
When log entry is done in LOCAL (LOCAL TIME-1), the log will automatically convert the time to UTC.
DATE FORMAT (Setup of Date Format to be day/month/year or year/month/day)
The Logbook can be set up for two different formats. When set to DD/MM/YY, March 28, 2005 will be format-
ted as 28/03/05. If the format selected is YYYY/MM/DD, the same date will be formatted as 2005/03/08.