User's Manual

Operating Manual
Vertex Standard Co., Ltd.
the programmed message on the air.
Note: If you subsequently decide to use the “Message Memory” technique for memory
storage, please note that the contents of a message stored using text input will not be
transferred over when you select “Message Memory technique” on a particular memory
register (the Menu Mode Setting is set to “tyP2”).
Contest Number Programming
Use this process if you are starting a contest, or of you somehow get out of sync with
the proper number in the middle of a contest.
1. Press the [MENU] button to enter the Menu mode.
2. Rotate the [SELECT] knob to select Menu item “018 KEY CONTEST.” The current
contest number appears in the Multi-Display Window on the display.
Advice: Press the [SELECT] knob to toggle the Menu item display between “018
3. Rotate the [CLAR/VFO-B] knob to set the Contest Number to the desired value.
Advice: Press the [CLEAR] button (located at the upper right of the [SELECT]
knob) to reset the Contest Number to “1”.
4. Press and hold the [MENU] button for two seconds more to store the new number
and exit.
Contest Memory Keyer (Using the optional FH-2 Remote Control Keypad)
You may also utilize the CW message capability of the FT-950 from the optional FH-2
Remote Control Keypad, which plugs into the rear panel’s REM jack.
Message Memory
Five memory channels capable of retaining 50 characters total are provided (using the
PARIS standard for characters and word length).
Example: CQ CQ CQ DE W6DXC K (19 characters)
Storing a Message into Memory
1. Press the [MENU] button to enter the Menu mode.
2. Rotate the [SELECT] to select the CW Memory Register into which you wish to
store the message; for now, we are just selecting the message entry technique
(Keyer entry).