Operation Manual

Press (or press and hold) the assigned programmable key to lock the various aspects
of the VX-2100s keys. The precise lockout configuration must be programmed by
your VERTEX STANDARD dealer.
ARTS (Auto Range Transpond System)
This system is designed to inform you when you and another ARTS-equipped station
are within communication range.
During ARTS operation, your radio automatically transmits for about 1 second every
25 seconds (the interval is programmed by the Dealer) in an attempt to shake hands
with the other station.
If you move out of range for more than two minutes, your radio senses that no signal
has been received, three beeps from the beeper will sound. If you subsequently move
back into range, a single beep will be heard whenever your radio shakes hands with
the other station.
DTMF Paging System
Requires the optional FVP-25 Encryption/DTMF Pager Unit
This system allows paging and selective calling, using DTMF tone sequences.
When your radio is paged by a station bearing a tone sequence which matches yours,
your radio’s squelch will open and the alert will sound.