Installation guide

Deleting a queue 2-90
Chapter 2: Creating a Contact Center Queue
Wave Contact Center Administrator Guide
3 Click Add. The Custom Data dialog opens.
4 Enter the following information:
Name. Enter the variable’s name. Variable names are case-sensitive.
Description. Enter a description that helps you remember the purpose of the variable.
Data type. Choose one of the following:
Long. The variable holds integer numbers only. If you are creating a custom data
variable to set caller priority, select data type Long.
Double. The variable can hold integer numbers or decimal point numbers.
Boolean. The variable can hold the numbers 0 or 1 only.
String. The variable holds text.
Default value. The variable will be set to the value you enter for every caller that
enters the queue, if it has not received a value elsewhere.
5 Click
OK. The new custom variable appears in the list.
Click OK to close the System Settings dialog.
Deleting a queue
To delete a queue, in the User/Group Management applet, right-click the queue and then select
Important: A warning is displayed if you try to delete queue that is currently being used as a
target location of any kind, for example “This queue is currently being used as a routing list
target: [Name] (extension). Edit or delete these locations before deleting this queue.”
Release 2.0 Service Pack 1
April 2011