Installation guide

Setting up skills-based routing for a queue 3-11
Chapter 3: Using Skills-Based and Custom Routing
Wave Contact Center Administrator Guide
When you select this option, additional fields are displayed on the Distribution \ Agent
Scoring tab:
3 Under
Distribution calculations are based on queue calls occurring in, specify the
Time period. Choose whether to distribute calls based on totals for the current Shift or the
Day (since midnight).
Direction. Choose whether the algorithm only counts Inbound calls, or both Inbound
and Outbound
4 In the Determine which agent gets the next call using the following attributes table, select
Use checkbox for Proficiency in call skills to enable skills-based routing. For more
information on
Weight and the rest of this table, see “Using custom agent scoring” on page
5 Click OK.
Release 2.0 Service Pack 1
April 2011