Installation guide

Setting up skills-based routing for a queue 3-14
Chapter 3: Using Skills-Based and Custom Routing
Wave Contact Center Administrator Guide
3 Depending on the option you selected in the previous step, specify how adjust skill
requirements over time.
Wait indefinitely for a matching agent. Calls with skill requirements wait indefinitely
until an appropriately skilled agent is available. They are never sent to agents who do
not meet those requirements.
Reduce call’s skill requirements after __ seconds. Enter a time (in seconds) to define
an initial threshold of waiting, during which the call’s skill requirements remain
intact. As soon as the initial threshold is passed, skill requirements are adjusted once.
Change them again every __ seconds. Enter an interval (in seconds) to determine
how often the skill requirements are adjusted, after the first adjustment following the
initial waiting threshold.
Release 2.0 Service Pack 1
April 2011