Installation guide

Running a report 7-4
Chapter 7: Running Contact Center Reports
Wave Contact Center Administrator Guide
Using the Contact Center Reporter toolbar in Excel
Wave makes Contact Center Reporter options available to you from within Excel on the
Reporter toolbar. To display the Contact Center Reporter Toolbar, in Excel, choose
View >
Toolbars > Contact Center Reporter Toolbar
Note: The Contact Center Reporter toolbar is only available in Excel if you open a report from
the Contact Center Reporter dialog, as described in the steps starting on page 7-5. (The Reporter
Toolbar is not available if you open a report directly in Excel.)
The Contact Center Reporter toolbar offers buttons for the commands listed in the following
Contact Center Reporter toolbar buttons
New Wave Report. Opens the Reporter dialog or brings it to the front if it is
already open, so that you can select a report to run. See “Running a report” on
page 7-3.
Export without Macros. Saves the report so that it can be opened in Excel on
any PC. Reports saved with macros can be opened only on PCs with Wave
applications installed.
Report Options. Opens the Report Options dialog for the report currently
showing, so that you can change the report parameters and run the report
Refresh Report. Runs the report again with the same options as were used to
generate the current report. Use to update the report with the latest data.
Help. Opens the Contact Center Reporter online Help.
Release 2.0 Service Pack 1
April 2011