Installation guide

Viewing report results 7-7
Chapter 7: Running Contact Center Reports
Wave Contact Center Administrator Guide
Note: Sometimes totals on the Data tab may appear to be incorrect. This is usually due to
the way Excel presents numbers by rounding them to the number of displayed digits. The
displayed total is always formed by taking the sum of the complete numbers, then rounding,
as in the following example:
Totals tab. A summary of the totals for the statistics counted in the report.
Report Options tab. A worksheet showing the options currently selected for the report.
The Report Options tab in Excel is for users who want to print out the full workbook,
including a record of the options selected. Macro writers and other skilled spreadsheet
users can also use the tab to generate reports without using the Report Options dialog.
Most users—who simply want to run a report and then review or print the results—should
instead click
Report Options on the Reporter toolbar and change report options via the
Options dialog, as described in “Setting Reporter options” on page 7-8.
Viewing report headers and footers
You must have a printer installed on your PC in order to view the headers and footers on reports.
The headers and footers include such data as report title, agent and queue name, date range, date
printed, and the days of the week for the report.
If you do not have a printer (local or network) configured on your PC, the headers and footers
will be blank.
Numbers as displayed Unrounded numbers
Totals 12.33 12.3349
Release 2.0 Service Pack 1
April 2011