Installation guide

Customizing Contact Center Reporter 7-12
Chapter 7: Running Contact Center Reports
Wave Contact Center Administrator Guide
Reporting on outbound Contact Center calls
For an agent’s outbound calls to appear in reports, the agent must mark his or her outbound calls
as calls that are placed from the Contact Center. See “Placing calls from a queue vs. calling as
user” on page 5-9.
Reporting on internal calls
To include internal (station-to-station) call data in your reports, turn on internal call logging in
the Call Log.
To turn internal call logging on or off
1 In the Administrator, choose Tools > System Settings.
2 Click the Call Log tab.
3 To log internal calls, select the
Log internal calls checkbox. To stop logging internal calls,
deselect the check box.
4 Click
Release 2.0 Service Pack 1
April 2011