Installation guide

Activity History by Agent report 7-21
Chapter 7: Running Contact Center Reports
Wave Contact Center Administrator Guide
Activity History by Agent report
The Activity History by Agent report displays a row for every change in agent state and personal
status, and how long the agent spent in each state, for all the queues to which the agent belongs.
Setting options: Activity History by Agent report
Important: This report can return a very large amount of data, so you should run it only for the
date range required to avoid negatively impacting system performance.
Reading the Activity History by Agent report
Report tab
There is no Report tab for this report.
Data tab
The Data tab displays the following information:
Time. Date/time at which the agent changed state.
Personal Status. The agent’s history of personal status changes.
Time in personal status. The amount of time spent in each instance of a personal status.
Queue. Name of the queue in which this state change was made. A blank cell indicates
that the change applied to all queues in which the agent was a member.
State. The state to which the agent changed. For an explanation of states see “The Agents
pane” on page 6-4.
Duration. How long the agent remained in the state.
Filtering the Activity History by Agent report
To view all the entries of one type only, click the arrow button in any column header and select
the element you want to view. The report is filtered to display only the records for that element.
For example, you could filter the State column for “Standby” to see how many times the agent
was checking voicemail, or filter the Personal Status column for “On Break.”
Release 2.0 Service Pack 1
April 2011