Installation guide

Wave database schema A-9
Appendix A: Creating Custom Reports
Wave Contact Center Administrator Guide
The AgentStateChange table
The AgentStateChange table contains data that tracks the state of agents.
Name Description
PbeID ID of the PhoneBookEntry row that represents the user.
ID of the queue row that represents the queue that this change was
made in.
Time Timestamp for when the user entered the state.
Duration Number of seconds the user was in the state before it changed.
The state the agent was in before the change. The state values are:
0 = Logout
1 = Available
2 = Standby
3 = Wrapup
4 = Offering
5 = No answer
6 = Active
7 = Active outbound
8 = Wrapup outbound
The state the agent was in after the change. The state values are
the same as the State column values.
Release 2.0 Service Pack 1
April 2011