Installation guide

Setting external Caller ID for outbound queue calls 2-13
Chapter 2: Creating a Contact Center Queue
Wave Contact Center Administrator Guide
2 Enter the following information:
Log this queue’s calls. Specify which of this queue’s calls appear in the Call Log. You
can log inbound calls, outbound calls, both, or none. To log no calls, uncheck the
Important: If you turn off call logging for the queue, you cannot run reports on this
Organization. If you are using Organizations, check to associate this queue with the
Organization you select from the drop-down list. Click to create a new Organization.
Inbound calls to the queue that did not reach an agent will be logged as belonging to the
selected Organization (for example, abandoned calls and calls where the caller left a voice
Organizations are a means to represent different companies or tenants that share a
Wave Server. For more about Organizations, see Chapter 20 in the Wave Global
Administrator Guide.
Note: Outbound calls made by users calling as the queue are not associated with the
queue’s Organization. They are always associated with the user’s Organization, even
if the user has no associated Organization.
Click OK to save the queue as you have defined it so far or go to the next section, “Setting
external Caller ID for outbound queue calls.”
Setting external Caller ID for outbound queue calls
Agents can place outbound calls that are marked as being from the queue rather than their
personal extension (see “Placing calls from a queue vs. calling as user” on page 5-9). For
outbound queue calls, you can determine the Caller ID information that accompanies the call.
Note the following:
Caller ID information entered here will be overridden by any external Caller ID that is
specified for the outbound trunk. For more about how Caller ID is specified in Wave,
including the hierarchy of external Caller ID settings, see Chapter 16 in the Wave Global
Administrator Guide.
On trunk types other than ISDN, outbound Caller ID is always set by the phone company.
Release 2.0 Service Pack 1
April 2011