Installation guide

Configuring expected wait time 2-46
Chapter 2: Creating a Contact Center Queue
Wave Contact Center Administrator Guide
Example: For a queue with 10 available agents and an estimated average call length of 300
seconds, with MinWaitTime of 60, the expected wait time for the fifth caller would be:
6 + 60 + 300 * (4 / 10) = 186 seconds (about 3 minutes).
This calculation is most reliable for a Contact Center with many agents and short calls, and in which
agents take calls from only one queue at a time. Though you can improve the estimate (see
“Improving the expected wait time estimate” on page 2-46), you should consider not using
expected wait time if your Contact Center has very few agents and long calls, or if most of your
agents work in multiple queues at once.
Expected wait time and overflow tier levels
When calculating the expected wait time, Wave includes overflow tiers if the wait time among
primary agents only is longer than the overflow wait time. For example, if the expected wait
time among primary agents is 5 minutes, and tier 1 overflow agents are activated after 3
minutes, Wave recalculates the expected wait time including primary and tier 1 agents. The
process is then repeated for each overflow tier until the expected wait time is less than an
overflow wait time or until all overflow tiers are included. The final expected wait time is then
presented to the caller.
Improving the expected wait time estimate
You can improve the expected wait time estimate, and fine-tune queue behavior based on the
expected wait time estimate.
Release 2.0 Service Pack 1
April 2011