Installation guide

Managing a queue’s audio recordings 2-74
Chapter 2: Creating a Contact Center Queue
Wave Contact Center Administrator Guide
Password must be changed on next logon. If checked, the system requires the
password to be changed the next time someone logs on to the queue’s account, using
any workstation application or the phone commands.
Queue is locked out. If checked, the queue’s account cannot log on to the system, even
with the correct username and password. Depending on your system settings, lockout can
occur automatically if someone repeatedly tried and failed to log on to the account.
Deselect the checkbox to unlock the account and permit normal logging on.
Managing a queue’s audio recordings
In addition to Hold prompts (see “Creating Hold prompts” on page 2-60), you can configure and
record the following audio messages for the queue:
Phone prompts. You can specify the language used for phone prompts played to
callers to the queue.
Important: The list of languages that you may select from for telephone prompts is
determined by the languages that have been installed on the Wave Server. U.S. English
is installed by default. French, German, Spanish, and UK English are available in
General Hotfix 1005. Note that this HotFix installs system and auto attendant voice
prompts, but does not affect the text that appears on a phone’s LED display. To obtain
General HotFix 1005, contact your Wave provider.
Voice title. A queue can have a voice title the same as a user can. Wave plays the voice
title to callers during call transfers and other operations.
Welcome prompt. A Welcome prompt is a message played once to each caller when
the caller first reaches the queue.
Greetings. You can record greetings for the queue’s voice mailbox.
Release 2.0 Service Pack 1
April 2011