User's Guide

Table Of Contents
l All leather can be damaged and should be treated with care. Therefore, in addition to the avoidance
of extreme temperatures or water and high humidity, avoid contact with oily substances, make-up,
and solvents.
l Do not allow the metals on the phone to come into contact with sharp objects, metal polishes, and
chemicals such as solvents, alkaline and acid solutions, cola-based drinks, and salt water. If contact
occurs, wipe the surface with a clean, soft cloth as soon as possible.
Manufacturer's Limited Warranty
This Limited Warranty replaces all other Vertu warranties and liabilities, whether oral,
written, (non-mandatory) statutory, contractual, in tort or otherwise, including, without
limitation, and where permitted by applicable law, any implied conditions, warranties or
other terms as to satisfactory quality or fitness for purpose. However, this Limited Warranty
shall neither exclude nor limit: i) any of your legal (statutory) rights under the applicable
national laws; or ii) any of your rights against the seller of the Product.
Vertu warrants to you, the Purchaser of the Product, that, during the warranty period, Vertu, or a Vertu-
authorised service company, will, in a commercially reasonable time, remedy defects in materials, design
and workmanship free of charge, by repairing or, should Vertu in its discretion deem it necessary, replacing
the Product in accordance with this Limited Warranty (unless otherwise required by law).
Warranty periods
The Warranty starts at the time of the original purchase of the Product by the first end user. Different
individual products and parts within the overall Product may be covered by different Warranty periods. The
different possible Warranty periods are:
Twenty-four (24) months for the mobile phone and all technical accessories limited to: batteries,
headsets, speakers, chargers, charger cables and data cables
Twelve (12) months for all leather cases
Twelve (12) months for all other products not listed above
As far as your national laws permit, the particular Warranty period will not be extended or renewed, or
otherwise affected due to subsequent resale, Vertu-authorised repair, or replacement of the Product.
However, any part repaired or product replaced during the Warranty period will be warranted from any
defect for 12 months from the date of repair, or for the remainder of the original Warranty period, whichever
is the longer.
How to get warranty service
If you wish to make a claim under this Limited Warranty, please return your Product, or the affected part (if it
is not the entire Product), to a Vertu-authorised service company. For further details on how to make a
claim, you can contact a Vertu call centre (national or premium rates may apply). (Information about Vertu-
authorised service companies and call centres can be found in the sales package, or on local Vertu web
pages, where available.)
Safety and warranty
© 2017 Vertu Corporation Limited. All rights reserved. 78