User's Manual

Page 25
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ATON,STATS Transmission Statistics
Returns the total transmission count for a given AtoN and the slot count at the last
successful transmission.
Example: $PVSP,ATON,STATS,512996001,0,0,0,0*4D
Format: $PVSP,ATON,STATS,xxxxxxxxx,x,x,x,x
xxxxxxxxx MMSI
x Channel 1 TX count
x Channel 1 last TX slot
x Channel 2 TX count
x Channel 2 last TX slot
Note: This information together with the SYNC output can be used to determine the exact
UTC time of the last transmission on each channel.
This sentence may be queried with $--ANQ,ATON,STATS for all MMSI’s or $--
ANQ,ATON,STATS,xxxxxxxxx for a single MMSI.
SYNC UTC Synchronisation Details
Reports the slot frame to UTC synchronization details for the Virtual AIS Beacon.
Example: $PVSP,SYNC,0,0,NONE*08
Format: $PVSP,SYNC,x,x,x
x UTC Hour of frame sync
x UTC Minute of frame sync
x The slot count at the frame sync. NONE is reported if it is
not currently synchronized.
AtoN Queries
A query is initiated using the formatter $XXANQ followed by the sentence to be queried.
Note XX is ignored by the Virtual AIS Beacon so can be set to the callers preference.
For example to query all the configured marks MMSI details:
For a complete summary of the AtoN details query ATON:
This returns the following sentences: ATON,CNT ATON,ADDR SYNC followed by the following