User's Manual

Page 7
Copyright © 2015, Vesper Marine Ltd. All rights are reserved
Power Connection (2 Pin)
The Virtual AIS Beacon has a 2 pin plug for 12 VDC,
peak 4.5A, nominal 0.25A.
Depending on shipping destination a short circuit
protected and isolated ground 12VDC 5A AC/DC
power pack with a regional IEC power cable may also
be supplied.
Mounting the Virtual AIS Beacon
The Virtual AIS Beacon has footprint dimensions as detailed below and a height of 90mm.
The device is mounted by using the fixing lugs. Drill holes in the mounting surface using the
lugs as a guide. Fasten with appropriate length screws.
Caution: Do not disassemble the unit or remove the screws which hold the Virtual AIS
Beacon together. The unit is sealed and disassembly will void the warranty. If you require
service or assistance please contact Vesper Marine.