Owner`s manual

Fig. M
Fish B
Fish A
(Full View)
(Zoom View)
Fish A
Fish B
visible on both displays because it is less than 6 feet from the bottom.
However, Fish B and the bait are more than six feet from the bottom so
they do not appear in the zoom view.
Figure M shows a typical open water situation where the FL-18 is set
to the Bottom Lock mode. It is important to note that when the depth
exceeds the selected range, the Bottom Lock feature will lose its lock on
the bottom. Therefore, it is a good idea to select a deeper range than the
water you anticipate being on. Here the range is set to X4, so the Bottom
Lock will operate down to 80 feet. On the full view side, the bottom and
the fish are very close together making it difficult to recognize the fish.
However, on the zoom side the targets are much more spread out mak-
ing the fish very easy to identify.
An advantage to setting the depth range to a much deeper setting than
necessary is that you now will be able to see the multiple echoes beyond
the bottom. Given a fixed gain setting, the more and the stronger the
echoes appear, the harder the bottom content is. This can be an impor-
tant feature to the bottom and can help you find where the fish are.